Machine Imaging and Learning (MILE) Group

We are an international research group working on computational imaging, computer vision and machine learning algorithms.


Academic Members

PhD students

  • Mohamad Amir Javadi Rad (with Mike davies)
  • Yonghan Zhang (with Wei Pang)
  • Fauzy Othman (with Phil Bartie)

MSc students

  • Barat Ben (since Jan 2024)
  • Lobjoie Augustin (Since Jan 2024)
  • Bengrine Abdelkarim (Since Jan 2024)
  • Han Zhang (Since Sep 2024)
  • Ketaki Patil (Since Sep 2024)

Undergraduates (Honours) students

  • Muduo Xu (HWU/OUC, Since Sep 2024, incoming MSc at New York University, USA.)
  • Jiahao Wei (HWU/OUC, Since Sep 2024)
  • Keyu Chen (HWU/OUC, Since Sep 2024)

Student Collaborators

  • Heyi Li (Microsoft/UoE, Since Jan 2018)
  • Zixiang Zhao (ETH/Harvard/XJT, Since Sep 2022)
  • LiLi Kong (SCU, Since Nov 2022)
  • Chaoqun Niu (SCU, Since Nov 2022)
  • Hongjie Wu (SCU, Since Nov 2022)

We welcome students/researchers who would like to work in the Edinburgh group. If you are interested in our research topics, please email me with your thoughts and CV.